
Food worker Ryan loves Finland’s work and friendliness

Ryan from Kenya found a dream job in Finland that matches his skills and experiences. Read Ryans story to find out how he ended up in Finland to work in the food industry!

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Ryan from Kenya found a dream job in Finland that matches his skills and experiences. Read Ryans story to find out how he ended up in Finland to work in the food industry!

Ryan Obuyu, who is from Kenya, is making a living as a food worker in Finland. Ryan got a good job at a large poultry company, Naapurin Maalaiskana, with the help of Barona. The job fits his skills and experience.

“In April 2023, I moved to Finland from Poland, where I worked for a company that produced poultry meat. The food worker job at Naapurin Maalaiskana in Finland was brought to my attention by a friend who saw an ad for it on social media. My friend and I thought the job sounded good, so we decided to apply together. Now, we both work here at Naapurin Maalaiskana as manufacturing workers,” says Ryan.


A good team makes it easier to adapt to a new job

Ryan’s new food worker job in Finland was easy for him to start because he had worked in a poultry company before. Barona’s introduction program helped Ryan. It makes it easier for new employees to get used to their new jobs. Ryan is impressed by how relaxed and private his workplace is and how much his coworkers help each other. 

“When we first got to Finland, Barona and Naapurin Maalaiskana held an introduction for us. It was a great event that helped us learn more about our new job. Most people in Finland know English, which makes it easier to live and work there because you can talk to more people. My coworkers and boss have helped me out a lot. They accepted me with open arms and made me feel safe while I was moving in and settling down to the new country,” says Ryan.

Naapurin Maalaiskana Oy is a Finnish company that specializes in poultry. It was founded in 2013. Naapurin Maalaiskana’s factory is located in Lieto, near the the Finnish city of Turku. Visit Naapurin Maalaiskana’s website for more information about the company.


Barona helps foreign employees adjust to a new life

Barona helped Ryan the whole journey, from the time he first applied for a job to the time he got to Finland. When moving abroad, there are many things that could go wrong, but Barona helps employees with everything they need. This makes the move and getting used to the new place much more effortless. Read our tips for relocating to Finland to learn more about what you should consider when moving to Finland.

“Barona has been transparent and professional as an employer. They have always helped me when I needed it, like when I was looking for a job or a place. The hiring process was easy, and they kept me up to date on how it was going, says Ryan.


Finland is an excellent place to start a career

Ryan agrees that Finland is very different from where he comes from. But he has really liked his time in Finland and has found many good things about the country. Ryan has learned a lot from working at Naapurin Maalaiskana, and he sees a bright future for himself in Finland.

“Living in Finland has been a completely new experience for me, and I’m glad I took advantage of it. It’s great to work here because society and how people do their jobs are very developed. Employees get competitive salaries and benefits. On top of that, Finland has a nice climate and beautiful natural scenery.

Finally, I would suggest Barona as a place to work to anyone because they really know how to act in a professional and caring way. Ryan says, “In the future, I want to combine what I’m learning at university with what I’m learning at work, and I hope to build a successful business here in Finland.”


Written by

Juha Niemi

Juha works as a Marketing Manager specializing in International Marketing at Barona.

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